Saturday, April 7, 2018


Last weekend I saw this 4-pack of Cabo sparkling water at Big Lots for $1.  What could go wrong?

After I cut the "fish choker" plastic off the cans, I handed one of the cool, refreshing beverages to someone I was with and they gladly opened it, poured some into a cup, and took a drink of the grapefruit-flavored drink.

Later I picked up the can to throw it away and noticed it was still nearly full.  I asked what they thought of the drink.  Well, it wasn't pleasant.

I took a drink from the can and it had already lost its "sparkle" (carbonation).  They said it was the aftertaste, the bitter feeling still in their throat after taking a couple of drinks, that they didn't like.  I didn't drink enough to have much aftertaste. 

There are three cans left for me to offer to visitors.  And now I know there's a lot that can go wrong in a $.25 can of discontinued sparkling water.


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