Sunday, March 31, 2024

Dr Pepper Cream Soda

I noticed someone drinking this at work last week and decided to ask for the can.

They know I have a can collection but we've never really talked about it much.  So when I asked for this one he was surprised I didn't already have such a common, current can.  But I told him I don't drink soda and I can't just buy sodas to empty them out for the cans.  So I just ask for people's trash.

He was surprised with some of my stats (such as I started collecting in 2011, have over 6000 cans now, have cans from many countries, etc.).  

He also recommended when the day comes that I show all the boxes of cans to my kids and reveal they'll all be theirs someday, not to be upset if they ask, "So, how much do you think all these weigh?"

Sunday, March 24, 2024


This week someone saved their G Fuel energy drink can for me.  

This can is extremely colorful, but then so is the game that inspired it.  This flavor is called Tetris Blast and I don't even know what it tastes like.  But I hope it tastes better than the blocks look in Tetris.

With zero sugar and 0 calories you certainly won't be gaining any weight by drinking these.  That will come from the hours of sitting you'll do while playing the video game Tetris.

Sunday, March 17, 2024


A couple weeks ago a co-worker brought in an energy drink he was trying for the first time.  He knows I collect cans, so this was one he bought to taste and to give me the can.

This is the original flavor for Prime energy drink.  I love the simplicity of the black & white can design, along with the hand-drawn doodles up and down both sides of the logo.

I'm not sure why this caught my attention, but usually when a logo is printed sideways the bottom of the letters is on the right.  But in this case, the bottom of the letters in "Prime" is on the left.  Maybe that's intentional so subconsciously your brain picks this can out from the others on the shelf, not knowing why it looks different.

Regardless, it's a great addition to my collection and I'm looking forward to the next Prime...

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Cosmic Stardust

One can find the strangest things in the trash.  Recently I looked in a trash can at work and saw Cosmic Stardust.

Of course I cleaned it very well, but it's a can of Alani Nu energy drink.  The can is cool!  The name is cool!  Me digging through the trash, not so cool.

But one man's trash is another man's treasure (which can still be considered trash).

Sunday, March 3, 2024

New Diet Pepsi

I was at my parents' house recently and they asked if I had this new design for Diet Caffeine Free Pepsi.

Nope, not yet.  So they drank one and I took the can home with me.

I don't even have a regular Pepsi can with the newest logo design, so now I'm looking for someone to drink one of those for me.