Sunday, October 12, 2014


I like when American football season rolls around, not because of the sport but because there are new cans waiting to be collected.  These are the 2014 designs I've acquired so far from other people saving cans for me.

Dr Pepper Ten - 7 UP


Dr Pepper - Diet Dr Pepper
I know there are more out there.  Maybe a trip to the store later...


  1. Hey bud! I'd love to trade cans with you sometime.. Email me @
    Maybe we can work a deal!

    1. Hey Damian! I occasionally do trades, but it's kind of seasonal. I'm pretty busy through the end of the year and don't have as much time with cans as I'd like, but when things slow down after the new year I just may contact you to work something out...

  2. Ah, but you are forgetting no Dr. Pepper Scholarship cans this year. Not only are some well deserving kiddos robbed of their education, but my collection will fail to grow. Rats.

  3. Are there new 2014 Ram football cans? Those look like the same design as last year. I know this year there are a new design of Chicago Bears Dr. Pepper Cans, but haven't seen any new Ram cans.
