Monday, June 25, 2018

Can of Water

I was called to serve jury duty last week.  While I was out of the office one of my co-workers was given a can of water, who in turn gave it to me today.

It's from Anheuser-Busch, who often sends cans of water to disaster areas such as during floods or tornadoes.  This can also carries the American Red Cross logo.

I have other A-B cans of water, but not this particular design.  And usually the print is black and white, this one has color.

On the side of the can it notes the use of the American Red Cross logo and is labeled "not for sale."

It also has an expiration date on the bottom of the can.  In this case, it was November 2014.  Oops.

So if there's a zombie apocalypse anytime soon, I'll have my stale can of water nearby... to either drink or eBay for lots of $$$$$.

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