Sunday, January 31, 2021

Yoo-Hoo Comparison

Yoo-Hoo doesn't change their can design very often.  But this week I noticed some differences in the current design, and by "current" I just mean the newest design (which could still be a few years old), and an older can in my collection.  How many difference can you spot between the newer can (top pic) and the older can (bottom pic)?

My answers:

  1. The newer Yoo-Hoo logo is smaller
  2. The newer "Good source of vitamins" written in red above Yoo-Hoo has fewer words
  3. The newer "Shake It!" is smaller
  4. The newer can has the calorie marker
  5. The newer "Drink" underneath the word Chocolate is aligned to the left now instead of the right.
  6. The bubbling chocolate ooze at the bottom of the cans is slightly different
  7. The newer "11 FL OZ" is in a slightly different font
What's my point?  To someone who doesn't care, the newer can may look like the same design as the older can at a casual glance.  But when a collector is interested in any slight design variations between cans they will certainly notice.

And this is why my basement and garage are full of cans.

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