Sunday, May 26, 2024

Diablo IV

For those video gamers out there that play Diablo IV, the game recently had a big update that has brought a lot of players back to it.

This is another Mtn Dew Game Fuel flavor, Mystic Punch.  On the left side of the can you can see Lilith, the main antagonist of the game.  This is a fruit punch flavor that I was told is very good.  But most Mtn Dew flavors are very good.

Season 4 of the game started recently and with it came a big loot overhaul which reportedly has improved the game immensely.  I played it at launch but it's been a while, so last week I updated it and started a new character.  I'll see for myself how much the game has changed.

And with this being Memorial Day weekend, there's a whole extra day available for some game time.  Fire up the grill, I'm going to hunt some demons.

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