Saturday, July 20, 2019

Stranger Cans

I just got two Limited Edition Coca-Cola cans based on the Netflix series Stranger Things.

For those unfamiliar with the series, it takes place in the 1980's.  So for this tie-in promotion, the red Coke can is actually the formula for New Coke which debuted in 1985.  If you missed out the first time around, now's your chance to taste the updated flavor that rocked the cola world!!!

The back of the red can even states "Original Taste" at the top, referring to the "1985 Limited Edition" printed on the front of the can.  For more info on the series and the promo, you can scan the bottle icon on the back of the can.

The Coca-Cola Zero can is really cool because when stood upright it shows the usual logo with the red circle behind the text, but when the can is turned upside down it shows a scene of dead trees and everything dark and dreary... just like the Upside-Down in the show.

I've seen season one of the series, but now need to catch up since season three just came out earlier this month.  Whether you're a fan of the show or a fan of collectible cans, these are definitely worth tracking down for your collection.

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