In 2011 I went on a cruise to the Bahamas and brought back a few cans. One of the cans I specifically remember not buying in Freeport, Grand Bahama, was a Bahamas Goombay Punch. I've seen them on eBay and other sites since, but I haven't taken an opportunity to buy one. Until recently.
Last month I posted about finding a box of cans at an antique store. In that box was this can. I'd finally got my Goombay Punch.
And this is an older can. Notice the pull tab top and that it has not been opened. In fact, the soda is still in the can. Pics of newer cans show the size as 355mL or 12 fl. oz. But this one shows as 12.49 imp. fl. oz., which I assume is Imperial Fluid Ounces. I think it's my first can to show that.
The ingredients are listed on the side of the can and they look pretty simple. Sounds like sugar water to me. But with this one possibly being 35-40 years old, I won't be finding out what the soda tastes like from this can.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Cool Red Cans
On this cold, icy morning, I decided to feature some of the recent red cans I've collected. They're not new to stores, they are just new to me.
There's a Clover Valley Cola can, a Cranberry Sprite (which I got during Christmas), a 16oz Cherry Coca-Cola, and a Cherry 7Up.
The pic is a little blurry because it was still sleeting and I had to wipe the lens. Now let me go see if I've got any hot blue cans to show next week...
Saturday, February 2, 2019
The Swiss Monster
This Monster energy coffee can, given to me yesterday, is now one of my favorite Monster cans in my collection.
It's a Swiss Chocolate flavored coffee, so the mountain behind the "M" and the coats of arms that run down both sides are very appropriate.
It definitely has the look of a can from Switzerland (with a little assumption on my part). I love all the coats of arms on the can. They add to the Swissness.
And with this morning's fog, it was the perfect time to feature this Swiss Monster.