Sunday, September 17, 2023

Party Time

I attended a birthday party yesterday.  The birthday person wasn't the only one to receive gifts, I grabbed this can for my collection.

I have several other Clear American cans in my collection, but this is my first Mandarin Orange.  And the design of the cans has changed, so now I'm on the lookout for the other flavors.

I gave a gift... and got a gift.  What a party!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

In a League of Its Own 3

After reporting on a couple of League of Legend Coca-Cola cans I received recently, my daughter called from college and asked if I knew what League of Legends is.  Yes!  On her next visit home she brought this can to me.

It's a small 7.5oz can that's +XP Flavored, whatever that means.  The packaging said it was another League of Legends can, one labeled "Ultimate limited edition".

With this +XP can, my collection just levelled up.  (video game Dad joke)

Sunday, September 3, 2023

New Shop, New Cans (part 2)

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned finding some new cans at my town's food pantry.  Those weren't the only cans I got that day.

I also discovered this box of various canned drinks to be given out.  Digging through the box, I found these three that I didn't have.

It's hard to tell what the green can is, but it's a Wegmans Lime sparkling water.  Next to it is a Wegman's Tonic Water that contains quinine (which sounds dangerous).  And finally there's a La Croix Black Razzberry, which of course is "naturally essenced".

Advice to collectors:  always be on the lookout, you never know when you'll find a can you need!