Last week a couple people alerted me to a new can series... Star Wars Space Punch.
There are twelve cans in the set featuring characters from the prequel trilogy, the original trilogy, and even from the new trilogy. So what's the problem?
The problem is they are $3 each! Even if someone liked to drink punch every day, there are many much cheaper alternatives.
But these certainly have a nice look to them. I was given can #9 in the set, Boba Fett, everyone's favorite bounty hunter. I'm glad this is the can they got me.
And I can't wait to drink it to see if the taste is worth $3. It has only 20 calories, there's no caffeine, and it sounds pretty flavorful after looking through the ingredients (grapefruit, pear, orange, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry).

This set is certainly aimed at collectors. But after giving George Lucas so much of my money for books, comics, figures, napkins, shampoo, and all the other Star Wars-branded merchandise, I rarely buy anything Star Wars now. Disney certainly doesn't need my money and I don't really need more boxes of
stuff in the basement.
But after all that, it doesn't take someone with the Force to know a few more of these cans may eventually end up in my collection...