Ok, they got me!
I would have never bought a Coca-Cola at Walmart tonight... if they hadn't put a bottle with my name on it in the check-out aisle. I heard about this "Share A Coke" campaign a couple of months ago and started seeing the bottles and cans a few weeks ago.
The bottles are the ones with names. The cans have "nicknames" on them. Yesterday someone saved a couple cans for me, so these were my first two name cans:
Today I had a couple more people text to tell me they were watching for name cans for me. I don't know how many different cans there are, but I'll update this post every time I get a new one. We'll see how many I can score in the upcoming weeks.
07/18/2014 Update - I found this Buddy on the side of the road. "Never pick up hitchhikers," but this one I couldn't resist.
07/19/2014 Update - I saw this lying in a parking lot. A sad thing indeed. So now I know there is a can with "Legend" on it. For those wondering, I did
not bring this one home for my collection.
07/21/2014 Update - I visited a friend this evening who had saved six cans for me. Nice! "But you already have Buddy, Friend and BFF." Yes, but the ones I got tonight each have a Six Flags coupon ad on it, making them different than the plain ones I had before.

Keep 'em coming...
07/30/2014 Update - Last night a friend dropped off a bag of Coca-Cola cans on my front porch.
After going through them, I found the three cans below that I didn't have. I already had the version of each can with the Six Flags ad, but not the plain can. So now I have the plain ones.
I keep seeing the same nicknames over and over, so I may have them all as of now for my area. Sometimes new batches will come through a little later, so that's what I'll be watching for.
08/16/2014 Update - Last night I got my first Diet Coke nickname can. And appropriately enough, it was given to me by my dad.