Saturday, September 23, 2017

Coca-Cola Zero Sugar

I read about this several weeks ago, but it wasn't until last week that I saw the can.  The can came in a trash bag full of cans someone gave me to be recycled.

If you were a fan of Coke Zero, get  ready for change.  Coca-Cola Zero Sugar has replaced original Coke Zero.  What's the difference?  Coca-Cola claims the new version tastes more like regular Coca-Cola but still has no sugar and no calories.  Why the name change?  People knew Coke Zero had no calories, but many didn't realize it contained no sugar, so the new name makes it clear the drink has neither.  

Back to the can... the front is iconic Coca-Cola red with white lettering, yet behind the red is black from the Coke Zero design.  I think it's an awesome combination of the two brand designs.  It should really stand out on store shelves.  

Will this be a success?  It can't be worse than the public outcry over New Coke back in 1985 when they fiddled with their flagship drink's formula.  Time will tell.  I haven't tasted it yet, but I don't consider myself a "soda connoisseur" so generally if it whets my whistle it's fine for me.  But there are exceptions.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Cucumber and Seaweed

What a strange post title, but it'll make an even stranger snack some day...

Last weekend I was driving around the area and found a different Big Lots to check out.  I've mentioned Big Lots before as a good source of new cans for my collection.  And this time I found a can I certainly didn't have, a Cucumber Lime Rockstar energy drink.  It sounded so strange that I had to get it.  And I'm curious to see what it tastes like.

And then we saw something that sounded more foul than a cucumber/lime drink... roasted seaweed.  So I picked up a package of that too.  I know it's going to be one crazy snack when I get around to having it.  

Later we went into an ALDI grocery store and I saw a new Gridlock energy drink can I didn't have yet.  This was in a cool chrome can with light blue frosted/textured printing.  And it was a flavor I didn't have yet, Ultra White.

So it ended up being a pretty good outing.  Two new cans, one new snack, and a date with a bottle of mouthwash when I get around to trying this cucumber/seaweed combo.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Assassin's Creed Destiny

Do you play video games?  I do.

Have you played any Assassin's Creed games?  I have.

Are you excited about the upcoming Assassin's Creed Origins set in ancient Egypt?  I am!

So I was filled with joy when a coworker brought this Monster can to my office and asked if I had one like it yet.

Usually a can like this promoting a video game will have a code you can redeem which gives you some kind of experience boost or cosmetic item within the game, but this is just an advertisement.  A very cool-looking advertisement.

The game launches on October 27, so seven weeks from now I'll be playing it on my PS4.

But until then, I'll be in Destiny 2 traveling throughout our solar system defeating the evilness of Dominus Ghaul.

By the way, there is a 3-can set from Rockstar energy drink for Destiny 2, so I'll be watching for those.  But that'll be another post...

Saturday, September 2, 2017